Learning and teaching (planning, implementation, evaluation) in early childhood education

Current research:

Concept-based teaching, family involvement in children's learning, funds of knowledge and children's interests, dialogic teaching and learning, assessment for learning in early childhood education, teachers as curriculum mediators, children's participation in their learning


Current research:
  • Funded Research from General Secretariat for Research and  Technology (GSRT)

ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME1, KEY ACTION 2 -Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange Of Good Practices, Ka201 – Strategic Partnerships For School Education «Learning Diversity: A Case Study of Refugee Students In a Primary School» (PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-TR01-KA201-074505) (2019-2021)

Teacher support Confronting Social Inequalities” (TOCSIN PROJECT 3708, FUNDING MECHANISM EEA 2009-2014) (http://tocsin.uth.gr/),      The basic concept of the “Teacher suppOrt Confronting Social Inequalities” (TOCSIN) is to study the consequences of the escalating economic crisis upon vulnerable population in early childhood education schools. TOCSIN aims to record and analyze existing issues and difficulties that children face during their early childhood schooling experience in the context of social and income inequalities in Greece, and their teachers' practices to confront them. 

  • Unfunded research
    • Teachers' Professional development via Peer Group Mentrorring
    • Capitalizing on children's Funds of Knowledge through Differentiated Instruction for facilitating learning skills in kindergarten
    • The differentiated classroom in preschool education
    • Modern alternative assessment techniques from portfolio to e-portfolio
    • The role of mentoring /e-mentoring in practical training
Current research:

Science, science education, environment and environmental education, teaching materials about science and environmental education, teachers’ and students’ conceptions of scientific and environmental concepts and phenomena, investigating landscape as a critical tool in education for the environment and sustainability, environmental education as a vehicle for promoting the inclusion of children with special needs, environmental quality and societal injustices, ecological footprint as a tool in environemntal education.

Current research:
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Current research:

Concept-based teaching, family involvement in children's learning, funds of knowledge and children's interests, dialogic teaching and learning, assessment for learning in early childhood education, teachers as curriculum mediators, children's participation in their learning


Current research:
  • Funded Research from General Secretariat for Research and  Technology (GSRT)

ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME1, KEY ACTION 2 -Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange Of Good Practices, Ka201 – Strategic Partnerships For School Education «Learning Diversity: A Case Study of Refugee Students In a Primary School» (PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-TR01-KA201-074505) (2019-2021)

Teacher support Confronting Social Inequalities” (TOCSIN PROJECT 3708, FUNDING MECHANISM EEA 2009-2014) (http://tocsin.uth.gr/),      The basic concept of the “Teacher suppOrt Confronting Social Inequalities” (TOCSIN) is to study the consequences of the escalating economic crisis upon vulnerable population in early childhood education schools. TOCSIN aims to record and analyze existing issues and difficulties that children face during their early childhood schooling experience in the context of social and income inequalities in Greece, and their teachers' practices to confront them. 

  • Unfunded research
    • Teachers' Professional development via Peer Group Mentrorring
    • Capitalizing on children's Funds of Knowledge through Differentiated Instruction for facilitating learning skills in kindergarten
    • The differentiated classroom in preschool education
    • Modern alternative assessment techniques from portfolio to e-portfolio
    • The role of mentoring /e-mentoring in practical training
Current research:

Science, science education, environment and environmental education, teaching materials about science and environmental education, teachers’ and students’ conceptions of scientific and environmental concepts and phenomena, investigating landscape as a critical tool in education for the environment and sustainability, environmental education as a vehicle for promoting the inclusion of children with special needs, environmental quality and societal injustices, ecological footprint as a tool in environemntal education.

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