
School of Early Childhood Education

Support Services

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The School

Student Advisory Committee

The committee aims to support students in dealing with issues related to their studies or even personal difficulties.

Specifically, the responsibilities of the committee are:

  • guiding students in the formulation of their individual undergraduate study programme
  • information on Erasmus programmes
  • information and guidance for students on postgraduate studies
  • support for students with difficulties at personal level
  • guidance for students with disabilities, at their own request

Social Policy and Health Committee

The Social Policy and Health Committee (SPHC) aims to create conditions that will make the University an accessible area to all members of the university community, by giving priority to space (and therefore knowledge) accessibility to disabled persons.

For this reason, qualified members of the teaching staff can train students with visual impairment to use electronic equipment linked with Braille printers installed in some of the University libraries. Also, the SPHC, to its best, tries to ensure the granting of books with voice output to these students.

The SPHC also provides a bus for disabled persons, to facilitate their movement in campus for classes and exams during the academic year. In this context the University has created a Program for the Promotion of Self-Help, which is basically run by a team of volunteers, the majority of whom are students.

The Social Policy and Health Committee established the institution of Voluntary Blood Donation, which also led to the creation of a Blood Bank in AHEPA hospital. Since May 2007, a second Blood Bank was founded too, in the School of Physical Education in Serres with the collaboration of the Social Policy and Health Committee and the General Hospital of Serres. Voluntary blood donation takes place twice a year during the months of November and April, at the Ceremony Hall of Aristotle University. The immediate target is to cover all needs for blood through voluntary blood donation, which currently covers 40% of total needs.

Office for the Support of Students from Sensitive Social Groups

Observatory for the Academic Progress of Students from Vulnerable Social Groups

The main goal of the Observatory of Students from Vulnerable Social Groups is to assist:

  • students with disabilities
  • foreign students
  • minority students, foreign students of Greek descent or repatriate students
  • as well as any other category of students who face problems which hinder their studies

The objectives of the Observatory include:

  • Collecting information regarding the academic progress of the above groups of students, and more specifically regarding their needs and problems they face during their studies
  • Collecting information regarding existing services, initiatives and actions taking place in AUTH which assist the above students, in order to make them known to the whole University community (e.g. extra teaching or other kinds of support)
  • Recording of good practices in other Universities of the country and abroad, and establishing cooperation with them in order to develop common support services.

Counseling and Guidance Committee

Founded in 1999, the Counseling and Guidance Centre (C.G.C.) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki operates under the supervision of the Counseling and Guidance Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The Centre provides counseling and psychological support to students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on issues related to: stress, difficulties adjusting to the university environment or problems with regard to their studies, family and personal problems, sexuality, psychosomatic problems, etc.

Volunteer Committee

The Volunteer Committee has as its main goal to promote to the members of the university community of AUTh the idea of volunteering as a contemporary social demand.

With this aim, the Volunteer Committee having also as its motivation the improvement of the daily life of everyone working in Aristotle University – students and teaching and administrative staff – in areas such as student affairs, environmental issues and social aid, encourages all members of the university community to take initiative by submitting ideas and suggestions.

To this end, some Networks of Volunteers in Schools and Faculties have already been created, consisting of a faculty member and a student, in order to develop a body of volunteers in each School / Faculty of AUTh.

Centre of Inclusive Policy

The Centre of Inclusive Policy (C.I.P.) aims to promote the equal participation of all students of the School of Education in the educational life of the university. The C.I.P. has been operating since the academic year 2005 and is under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Education. During its operation, it has contributed significantly to the dissemination of its “know-how” to other similar institutions of higher education on issues related to access to knowledge and accessibility to infrastructure.

The scientific supervision of the Centre for Integration Policy is carried out by the Integration Policy Committee of the Faculty of Education.

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