
School of Early Childhood Education

Languages for Human Values (GlOSANAX)

The project Languages for Human Values (GLOSANAX) aims to transform into innovation the research knowledge produced in recent projects of the Laboratory of Greek Language and Multilingualism (ELLMDGEGP) of the University of Thessaly. It is based on the idea that language learning and the preservation of multilingualism can be vehicles for promoting human values such as freedom, justice, peace, and creativity, with three fundamental pillars: respect, cooperation, and inclusion. The project aims to create a dual hub that will demonstrate how research that produces effective multilingual applications, innovative methods, techniques, and innovative language education teaching materials, impacts the empowerment of students and teachers who use them in practice. The impact of the project will be ensured through dissemination events and experiential workshops in four regions of Greece, online competitions and webinars, as well as through the production of open educational content and audiovisual material.  The research and innovation hub will include multilingual and multimedia resources, language awareness and learning materials, language installation-exhibition, collaboration and experimentation spaces, and a compendium of values supported by multilingual ecology and linguistic diversity, accompanied by good practices open to exploitation and adaptation. The hub will have two dimensions, one digital, on an online platform, and one physical, hosted in the facilities of two Project Partners in Volos.

Funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation.

Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly

Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou

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