
School of Early Childhood Education

Learning Diversity: A Case Study Of Refugee Students in a Primary School

“Learning Diversity: A Case Study of Refugee Students in a Primary School” is a KA201 Erasmus+ Project (2019-1-TR01-KA201-074505), whose partner countries are: Turkey, Greece, Italy, and Malta. This project aimed to enrich education by integrating themes such as European cultural heritage.

This Erasmus+ project provided a framework to let all the participants keep in touch and share ideas and experiences about educational material, pedagogic practices, and everything related to the project implementation. The use of Erasmus+  enabled teachers to prepare for their mobilities and disseminate their learning outcomes and enhanced competencies all over Europe. Greece participated in the Erasmus+ program “Learning Diversity: A Case Study of Refugee Students in Primary Schools” with the collaboration of faculty and EDIP members from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and teachers from the 67th Primary School Thessaloniki, as a case study, as it was the first primary school in the city to host refugee students. In the context of this program, the Greek team studied: a) teachers’ good practices in both reception and general classes, b) measures held by the school administration to ensure the well-being and smooth integration of refugee children, c) language and social barriers that impede refugee children schooling. Moreover, the current institutional framework regarding children with refugee experience was summed up and presented to members of the other teams.

Due to the pandemic, the research was carried out in two phases, from May to June 2020 and then from December 2021 to February 2022.

For more information on the website of the project: http://erasmusplus-leader.eu/

The Greek team  was:

  • Domna Kakana, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Head of the project in Greece
  • Konstantinos Anthopoulos, Director of the 67th Primary School of Thessaloniki
  • Ioannis Mihalis, Technical Staff Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Maria Papadopoulou, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Hariklia Passidou, Deputy Director of 67th Primary School of Thessaloniki
  • Eleni Hodolidou, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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