
Τμήμα Επιστημών Προσχολικής Αγωγής & Εκπαίδευσης

Παιδαγωγική Σχολή

Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης


Incoming Students

Αρχική > Σπουδές > Erasmus > Incoming Students


Coordinator for incoming students

Ioannis Michalis

Email: imichal@nured.auth.gr

Tel.: +30 2310 991208

Office: 607, 6th floor, Tower of Pedagogical Faculty, University Campus, 54124, Thessaloniki

Offered courses to Erasmus students

Reminder: our school does not provide course for Practice to Erasmus incoming students

General information on Study Guide of the School of Early Childhood Education

For receiving a Bachelor Degree from the School of Early Childhood Education, studies must last, at least, 8 semesters (4 years), and successfully 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) should be collected. All subjects give six (6) ECTS meaning that the workload will be around 150 hours per subject.

Students should pass at least:

  • Twenty (20) base subjects corresponding to 120 ECTS
  • Ten (10) direction subjects corresponding to 60 ECTS
  • One (1) subject from other school of the university 6 ECTS
  • One (1) foreign language subject 6 ECTS
  • Two (2) subjects of Practice 48 ECTS

The number of offered subjects is usually around thirty (30) in each category (depending on the availability of teaching staff).

During the first 4 semesters, students choose only Base subjects (20 out of 30, 5 in each semester). At last semesters (5 to 8), students choose only Direction subjects (10 out of 30) and attend the 2 obligatory subjects of Practice, while they choose a foreign language subject (usually English) and a subject from another school of Aristotle University.

Optionally, can provide an undergraduate thesis (collecting 18 ECTS, instead of 3 direction subjects), or can participate to Erasmus Program (at 7th semester and collect 30 ECTS, instead of 5 direction subjects).

Base subjects
ΥΒ.1.001 Educational Psychology
ΥΒ.1.002 Social Psychology
ΥΒ.1.003 Developmental Psychology: Cognitive Development
ΥΒ.1.004 Psychosocial Development and Treatment of Preschool Children’s Problems
ΥΒ.1.005 Specific Developmental Disorders and Learning Disabilities
ΥΒ.1.006 Introduction to Special Education
ΥΒ.1.007 Teacher and Child Interactions and Social Relationships in Early Childhood Education
ΥΒ.1.009 Human Ecology
ΥΒ.1.010 Sociology in Education
ΥΒ.1.011 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Teaching and Learning
ΥΒ.1.012 Physical Space and Educational Processes
ΥΒ.1.013 Science Education
ΥΒ.1.014 Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood Education
ΥΒ.1.016 Teaching Methodology
ΥΒ.1.017 Modern Greek Language
ΥΒ.1.018 History of Children’s Literature
ΥΒ.1.019 Media and Childhood
ΥΒ.1.021 Social History of Modern and Contemporary Greece
ΥΒ.1.022 Gender Studies and Children’s Literature
ΥΒ.1.023 Minority Groups and Intercultural Education
ΥΒ.1.024 Theory and Criticism of Children’s Literature
ΥΒ.1.025 Language and Society
ΥΒ.1.026 Museum Education
ΥΒ.1.027 Mathematics Education in Preschool and Early School Age
ΥΒ.1.028 Kinetic and Rhythmic Education
ΥΒ.1.029 Drama and Theater Pedagogy
ΥΒ.1.030 Creative Music Education
ΥΒ.1.031 Music Theory and Practice
ΥΒ.1.032 Developmental Psychopathology
ΥΒ.1.034 Introduction in Pedagogical Science
ΥΒ.1.035 Education and Lifelong Learning
ΥΒ.1.036 Environmental Education-Education for the Environment and Sustainability
ΥΒ.1.037 Introduction to Literacy
ΥΒ.1.038 Science Concepts and Science Education
ΥΒ.1.039 Academic Literacy
ΥΒ.1.040 Special Education – Learning Disabilities
ΥΒ.1.041 Science and Everyday Educational Reality in Preschool Settings

Direction subjects
ΕΠ.2.031 Counseling Social and Emotional Learning
ΕΠ.2.032 Applications of Social Psychology in Education
ΕΠ.2.033 Cognitive Psychology
ΕΠ.2.034 Children in Stressful Conditions
ΕΠ.2.036 Educational Approaches for Children with Special Educational Needs & Intellectual Disabilities
ΕΠ.2.037 Classroom Management
ΕΠ.2.039 Peace Studies
ΕΠ.2.040 Research Methodology
ΕΠ.2.041 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education
ΕΠ.2.042 Pedagogical Restructuring of School Space
ΕΠ.2.043 Semiotics of Science Teaching
ΕΠ.2.045 Research in Early Mathematics Education
ΕΠ.2.046 Assessment in Education
ΕΠ.2.047 Teaching of Greek Modern Language in Kindergarten
ΕΠ.2.048 Multicultural Children’s Literature
ΕΠ.2.049 Media and Society
ΕΠ.2.052 The Child as a Reader
ΕΠ.2.054 Children’s Literature: Filanagnosia and Creative Writing
ΕΠ.2.055 Bilingualism and Education
ΕΠ.2.058 The Pedagogical Dimension in Dance
ΕΠ.2.059 Drama Theater Practices and Innovative Activities
ΕΠ.2.060 Pedagogy of Music Improvisation
ΕΠ.2.061 Children’s Songs and Story Songs
ΕΠ.2.064 Inclusive Education I
ΕΠ.2.065 Inclusive Education II
ΕΠ.2.066 Collaborative Approach of Teaching and Learning
ΕΠ.2.068 Design of Non Formal Education Programs
ΕΠ.2.069 Environmental Concepts and Issues in Education
ΕΠ.2.070 Multimodal Texts: Analysis, Comprehension, Production
ΕΠ.2.071 Activities and Educational Material about Science
ΕΠ.2.072 Learning Disabilities in Early Childhood: Screening and Intervention
ΕΠ.2.073 Cultural Heritage and Educational Applications for Accessibility and Inclusion

ΠΡ.3.061 Early Childhood Pedagogy and Practice I
ΠΡ.3.062 Early Childhood Pedagogy and Practice II

Foreign Language
ΞΓ.4.063 English

For further information on each subject, please follow the link here.

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