Factors affecting the educational and professional decisions of students in Greek General Lyceums. A sociological approach
Local communities, environmental movement and education for sustainable development: Case study of a small community
Τheatre pedagogy contributions to social identity negotiation by disabled and non-disabled mixed groups
Teachers’ professional well-being and positive school climate: The impact of the school-wide positive behavior support approach
Teacher’s professional development: Design, implementation and evaluation of a program almed at improving the quality of pre-school education
Adaptations and amendments in Alexandros Papadiamantis’ short stories translated into modern Greek for children and young people
Teacher’s and future teacher’s views in relation to the management of religious diversity and the practice of prayer in school as an element of national education
Developing a scale for the assessment of early childhood educator’s social self-efficacy and examining its relation with teacher-child interactions and child outcomes
Attitudes and professional characteristics of educationalists involved in environmental education between 1985 and 2014
Sustainable development in environmental education school programs in primary education: program’s dimensions and teachers’ perceptions
Byzantium within children’s literature: a focus from 1955 (the year The Women’s Literature Association was founded) until today: a comparative and ideological approach
Contemporary Picture Short Story: social literacy & creative writing-based teaching approaches in preschool education
Implementation of a rhythmic-movement intervention program and innovative methods for rhythmic ability evaluation in elementary school children
The establishment and operation of the mixed educational Greek -Turkish committee and its impact on minority education in Greece and Turkey: 1951-1974
Relationships between working memory, executive cognitive functions and reading ability, in kindergarten and 1st grade children
The effect of a music and movement education program, with an emphasis on ethnomusicological elements, on the the smooth integration of children in the contemporary multicultural school
Physical education through the philosophy of global education: an interventional program in the secondary education
Students’ written – text production and revision practices as a sociocultural process: an action research study of fifth grade students
Gender in literary and autobiographic texts of Penelope Delta: feminine literary characters and gendered presentations
Space as a physical learning environment into the cooperative kindergarten: implementation in the teaching of literature texts
Characteristics of social relations among primary school students with mild intellectual disabilities and their peers
Μathematics pedagogical content knowledge and teaching practices in early childhood education: the case of area measurement
The pedagogical developent of the school environment in the configuration of a cooperative educational setting: implementation in a mathematical activities program in kindergarten
The management of diversity in the school subject of physical education in compulsory education: an approach to the discourse of textbooks in terms of critical peace education
Literature, picture and cinema in primary education: their contribution to the development of multimodal literacy
Attitude of the greek state and society towards the Slav-speaking people of Greek Macedonia, 1949-1967. Political and social developments and their impact in preschool and primary education of the specific population
The school library as a factor of the dynamics of the educational environment: space and educational process
Creation of a technologically enhanced learning environment in school settings and its use in a new teaching approach in mathematics
A psychoeducational strategy training programme for the improvement of story telling in preschool children with developmental language disorders
Interpersonal relationships in kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers’ and children’s perceptions of their relationships