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Supporting the expansion and strategic development of Early Childhood Education and Care in Cyprus

Korina Hatzinikolaou: Lead Consultant, UNICEF/ECARO, for the Project “Supporting the expansion and strategic development of Early Childhood Education and Care in Cyprus”, funded by the European Commission. Korina coordinated a working group of experts to evaluate the current status quo of Early Childhood Education and Care in Cyprus, based on the European Commission’s ECEC Quality Framework published in 2019. To achieve the goal, Korina adapted and applied together with the group of experts the “Build to Last” tool developed by UNICEF. Concurrently, she developed a report on Good practices in ECEC in other European countries. Based on the evaluation of the ECEC sector in Cyprus, Korina and the group proceeded to the development of a national ECEC quality framework (QF) for Cyprus. Currently, colleagues in Cyprus are piloting the QF. The next step is to develop an ECEC Action Plan to support the government in Cyprus to develop an ECEC National Strategy by the end of 2024.

CARE/ss Critical Arts Education for Sustainable Societies

Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education entitled: «CARE/ss Critical Arts Education for Sustainable Societies» [Scientist responsible: Assoc. Prof. M. Ioannidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki] CARE/SS aims to develop/adjust a pedagogical framework for online and blended learning for arts education and examine its application by developing and delivering innovative teacher trainings that will empower teachers in arts education. Arts education can respond to the increasingly diverse needs for active citizenship, multiculturalism, respect of diversity, digital learning and sustainable development.

Teach for Integration Capacity Building Programme and ALP Pilot Implementation – Teach for Integration 4 (T4I)

The project implements a holistic teachers’ capacity-building program on inclusive education, intercultural education, Greek as a second language, digital education, and the Accelerated Learning Programme. The program targeted educators and school counselors, principals, and school administrators to facilitate the successful social and academic transition and integration of all refugee students. It aims to reach 2.000 teachers and other education-related staff during the school years 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024, applying a hybrid/blended (distance and face-to-face) methodology adaptable to changing situations. At the same time, the Accelerated Learning Programme resources, developed by a collaboration scheme including the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), UNICEF, and the University of Thessaly will be piloted in Low Secondary Education Schools hosting refugee students, all over Greece. The ALP aims to provide systematic catch-up learning for the low-secondary students of refugee and migrant background who have missed several years of schooling due to conflicts, displacement, etc. to help their smooth integration into the Greek education system, and to reduce drop-outs. The outputs of the project are 1) 2,000 teachers, school counselors, school principals, and school administrators which will improve their knowledge and skills regarding the inclusion of refugee / migrant children in formal education classrooms; 2) ALP pilot implementation in selected lower secondary schools in Greece. Funded by the European Commission and Unicef. Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou


Voicing children Opportunities Interaction Collective decision-making Education (VOICE)

Maria Birbili (Member of the research team). Project “VOICE” has been funded by the Hellenic Foundation of Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) and was co-ordinated by Sofia Avgitidou, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. The main goals of the project were the production of educational material to support teachers and parents in enhancing children’s participation in their own learning and decision-making and the support of professional learning communities with a genuine interest and focus on supporting and realizing a participatory and democratic education. The website with information on the project and the educational material produced is open and accessible to both teachers and parents in this link: http://voice.web.auth.gr/en/node/13

Empowering children as learners and inquirers

Principal Investigator: Maria Birbili, Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This research project, guided by a Froebelian understanding of young children’s development and early childhood pedagogy, explored how early childhood educators can improve young children’s question-asking skills. The project was funded by The Froebel Trust (UK) and was conducted in Thessaloniki, Greece. An early childhood educator and 23 children, and their families, participated in this qualitative study where evidence was collected through teacher observations and field notes, audio-recordings of classroom dialogues, documentation of children’s learning and samples of children’s work. Parents were also invited to share their observations from home and their thoughts on the project and children’s learning. Organized in four phases, the project supported children to ask better questions using various strategies, and resources, suggested in the literature and Froebel’s pedagogy.

Creative Multilingualism: From practice to research and education (MEinART)

MEinART bridges creativity and multilingualism by focusing on the conventionalization of gender. The research team of the Laboratory for the Study, Teaching and Dissemination of Greek Language and Multilingualism, consisting of members who work in different parts of Europe as a result of the brain drain phenomenon, in collaboration with experts from the UK in the field of multilingualism and arts-based methodologies, will shed light on under-researched and underestimated aspects of women’s multilingual identities. By adopting participatory arts and technology-based methodologies, MEinART aims to offer alternative educational spaces of empowerment where women from refugee backgrounds working alongside women from the majority population will tell their stories, challenge dominant discourses and representations imposed on them, ultimately rediscovering themselves, re-imagining their lives through artistic and creative artworks, as well as individual or group performances. The project offers alternative ways of thinking and implementing research especially when working with target groups that have been silenced and undervalued. In this context, arts-based research and educational practice and the perspective of digital spaces that challenge conventional notions of time and place and give primacy to creative thought processes can be counter-pressures towards a change in social justice for all participants in this project, and especially towards valuing women’s multilingual and multicultural identities, ultimately shaping a “reverse discourse” that will ensure “self-care” for every woman. Funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou

Languages for Human Values (GlOSANAX)

The project Languages for Human Values (GLOSANAX) aims to transform into innovation the research knowledge produced in recent projects of the Laboratory of Greek Language and Multilingualism (ELLMDGEGP) of the University of Thessaly. It is based on the idea that language learning and the preservation of multilingualism can be vehicles for promoting human values such as freedom, justice, peace, and creativity, with three fundamental pillars: respect, cooperation, and inclusion. The project aims to create a dual hub that will demonstrate how research that produces effective multilingual applications, innovative methods, techniques, and innovative language education teaching materials, impacts the empowerment of students and teachers who use them in practice. The impact of the project will be ensured through dissemination events and experiential workshops in four regions of Greece, online competitions and webinars, as well as through the production of open educational content and audiovisual material.  The research and innovation hub will include multilingual and multimedia resources, language awareness and learning materials, language installation-exhibition, collaboration and experimentation spaces, and a compendium of values supported by multilingual ecology and linguistic diversity, accompanied by good practices open to exploitation and adaptation. The hub will have two dimensions, one digital, on an online platform, and one physical, hosted in the facilities of two Project Partners in Volos. Funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou

Literacy Practices of Preschool Children in Digital Environments (DIGILIT Kids)

The DIGILIT Kids project aimed at exploring the literacy practices of preschool children in digital environments. The project, funded by the Research Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, lasted for two years (12/10/2021 – 11/3/2023). Data were collected over four months through interviews, observation of children’s free interaction with digital media, and literacy artifacts. The research team conducted qualitative research, interviewing parents, preschool educators, and children, while, in parallel, observing children’s media use with different digital devices, during their school time and collecting their written and electronic works, before and during the research process. The research context was a public kindergarten classroom in Thessaloniki, Greece, with 20 children. The research highlights the need to recognize and include children’s informal practices in the school environment to facilitate infants’ emerging literacy in digital and conventional media. Research team Maria Papadopoulou (Academic Coordinator), Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Coordinator), Aikaterini Makri, Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Intercultural Studies, University of Thessaly, Evi Kompiadou, Dr. Kindergarten teacher, Dr. Eugenia Pangkourelia, and Aikaterini Gasparis, Graduate of the Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Publication: Papadopoulou, M., Makri, K., Pagkourelia, E., Kombiadou, E., & Gaspari, K. (2023). Early literacy going digital: Interweaving formal and informal literacy learning through digital media. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, online first 3, August 2023, https://doi.org/10.1177/1468798423118998

Get Creative with Art Online (GCAO)

Chara Kanari, Antonis Lenakakis: Members of the research team of the ERASMUS+ KA227 “Get Creative with Art Online” [(GCAO), Project Agreement Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-SCH-094566]. ERASMUS+ KA227 «Get Creative with Art Online” [GCAO], a two year project which aims to link school students with important artworks in their National Galleries and provide the students with exciting opportunities to explore great art through a number of themes and help the students through these to develop a lifelong love of art. The project is co-ordinated in the UK by the Global Learning Association working with partners in Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Italy (Crewative) and Sweden (CEE AUTO-LEARN) Project coordinator: Global Learning Association (UK). Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Crewative (Italy), CEE AUTO-LEARN (Sweden)


Education and teachers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Narratives, experiences, practices, qualitative and quantitative dimensions

Study assignment after evaluation: Education and teachers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Narratives, experiences, practices, qualitative and quantitative dimensions. ESPA, Koinoniko Polykentro / ADEDY. https://kpolykentro.gr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/F_EDUCATION-IN-COVID_2022.pdf  This study contributes to the investigation of practices and meanings of the teachers in every level of public education regarding their working conditions. This particular study finds the significant lag in infrastructure and resources, at all educational levels, quantitatively and qualitatively. The present empirical research was carried out in the context of the recent crisis, which caused significant problems not only in education but overall, in the institutions and functions of the welfare state, resulting in the deregulation and gradual retreat of social conquests and rights. The main goal of this study is to contribute directly to the submission of a substantial proposal to the national and social dialogue on education with the aim of upgrading public education. Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides

FOCUS on my needs: Working together for children in criminal proceedings

Development of the training material and the courses’ presentations, as well as delivery of two (02) 4-day online trainings on individual and multidisciplinary needs assessments for children in contact with the law. The trainings addressed professionals working for the Greek Justice system (e.g., prosecutors, law enforcement, psychologists, etc.). The trainings took place in the context of the project “FOCUS on my needs: Working together for children in criminal proceedings”. In the context of the same project, Korina ran a group of adolescents in contact with the Law to empower and train them in order to provide their opinion (based on their experiences) on what should change in the Greek penal justice system to become more child friendly. Finally, she interviewed adolescents in contact with the criminal justice system, their families and their Juvenile Probation Officers to understand how the Greek criminal justice system could become more child friendly. Participant from SECEd: Korina Hatzinikolaou

Early Intervention Services for Families with Children with Vision Impairment and Additional Disabilities

ERASMUS+ KA2 “Early Intervention Services for Families with Children with Vision Impairment and Additional Disabilities” [(ErISFaVIA), Project Agreement Number 2019-1-EL01-KA201-062886]. ErISFaVIA project aims to strengthen the effectiveness of the early intervention programs for young children with vision impairments and additional disabilities or deafblindness. Project coordinator: University of Thessaly (Greece),  Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), Istanbul Medeniyet University (Turkey), Panhellenic Association of Parents and Friends of the Visually Impaired People with Additional Special Needs Amimoni” (Greece), Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of Visually Impaired Children with Additional Disabilities “Sizoi” (Greece), Ayse Nurtac Sozbir Gunebakan Association for the Children with Multiple Disabilities with Visual Impairment and Their Families “ANSGA” (Turkey), Blindeninstitut München/ Maria-Ludwig-Ferdinand-Schule (Germany), Mali dom – Zagreb dnevni centar za rehabilitaciju djece i mladezi (Croatia), Special High School for the Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca (Romania), St Barnabas School for the Blind (Cyprus). Participant from SECEd: Chara Kanari

Learning Diversity: A Case Study Of Refugee Students in a Primary School

“Learning Diversity: A Case Study of Refugee Students in a Primary School” is a KA201 Erasmus+ Project (2019-1-TR01-KA201-074505), whose partner countries are: Turkey, Greece, Italy, and Malta. This project aimed to enrich education by integrating themes such as European cultural heritage. This Erasmus+ project provided a framework to let all the participants keep in touch and share ideas and experiences about educational material, pedagogic practices, and everything related to the project implementation. The use of Erasmus+  enabled teachers to prepare for their mobilities and disseminate their learning outcomes and enhanced competencies all over Europe. Greece participated in the Erasmus+ program “Learning Diversity: A Case Study of Refugee Students in Primary Schools” with the collaboration of faculty and EDIP members from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and teachers from the 67th Primary School Thessaloniki, as a case study, as it was the first primary school in the city to host refugee students. In the context of this program, the Greek team studied: a) teachers’ good practices in both reception and general classes, b) measures held by the school administration to ensure the well-being and smooth integration of refugee children, c) language and social barriers that impede refugee children schooling. Moreover, the current institutional framework regarding children with refugee experience was summed up and presented to members of the other teams. Due to the pandemic, the research was carried out in two phases, from May to June 2020 and then from December 2021 to February 2022. For more information on the website of the project: http://erasmusplus-leader.eu/ The Greek team  was: Domna Kakana, Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Head of the project in Greece Konstantinos Anthopoulos, Director of the 67th Primary School of Thessaloniki Ioannis Mihalis, Technical Staff Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Maria Papadopoulou, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Hariklia Passidou, Deputy Director of 67th Primary School of Thessaloniki Eleni Hodolidou, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Building School-Wide Inclusive, Positive and Equitable Learning Environments Through A Systems-Change Approach

«Erasmus+ KA3 Projects» entitled «Building School-Wide Inclusive, Positive and Equitable Learning Environments Through A Systems-Change Approach» Scientist responsible: Prof. A. Grigoriadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Coordinator: CARDET (Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD-CARDET) Participants from SECEd: Antonis Lenakakis, Athanasios Gregoriadis


Situation Analysis (SitAn) of Children and Adolescents in Greece and Developing a Programme Framework Document

The research report presents a narrative analysis on the situation of children in Greece as well as the identification of remaining deprivations of children and the underlying structural causes. Using a rights‑based approach, the analysis focuses strongly on the fulfilment of child rights through an equity lens and looks at specific vulnerable groups including children on the move, Roma children, children with disabilities, and youth as well as thematic areas like the impact of COVID‑19. The overall conceptual framework of the situation analysis is the Human Rights‑Based Approach to Programming (HRBAP). This approach provides an understanding of the existing deprivations and inequities and establishes linkages between the underlying causes and barriers to achieving child rights. The conceptual framework situates the analysis in the country context and clearly recognizes the regional and global issues that are impacting children’s lives in the country. Furthermore, it explores the reasons behind the uneven realization of child rights and inequities in well‑being, and the opportunities for achieving progress for all children, especially those who are left behind or who are at greatest risk of being left behind. Participant from SECEd: Korina Hatzinikolaou

Keeping Children Safe in Sports – KCSS

Elaboration of training material and training provision to summer camps’ professionals and CSG focal points on basic concepts of child safeguarding and child protection. 5 days Training of Trainers. Also, delivery of a 3-day Trainer-the – Trainers Workshop to summer camps’ professionals and CSG focal points on child safeguarding and delivery of a set of activities to children to empower their active participation in self-protection. 3 days Training of Trainers. The training took place in the context of the project” Keeping Children Safe in Sports – KCSS”. Participant from SECEd: Korina Hatzinikolaou

Towards a Multisensory and Inclusive Museum for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities

ERASMUS+ KA2 “Towards a Multisensory and Inclusive Museum for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities” [(ToMiMEUs), Project Agreement Number: 2019-1-RO01-KA202-063245]. ToMiMEUs project aims to enhance access and inclusion to museums for individuals with sensory disabilities [i.e. vision impairment (VI) and D/deaf or hard-of hearing individuals (DHH)] based on the principles of Universal Design, Universal Design for Learning, the values of the inclusive education and the fundamental rights of all people for access to cultural heritage. Project coordinator: Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography (Romania). Partners: Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary), Istanbul Medeniyet University (Turkey), University of Thessaly (Greece), Museum of Cycladic (Greece), Art Hungarian Heritage House (Hungary), TCDD 1st Regional Directorate, İstanbul Railway Museum (Turkey), The Balkan Museum Network,  Atomo Ro (Romania). Participant from SECEd: Chara Kanari

Education with Theatre/Drama Teachers, Students and Human Rights

The “Education with Theatre/Drama Teachers, Students and Human Rights” (MIS 5047891) research project was co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF) through the Operational Program “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020”. Antonis Lenakakis from SECEd was the Project’s Coordinator.

Accelerated Learning Materials Development & Teacher’s Capacity Building (ALP & TCB GLML)

UNICEF (Refugee and Migrant Response in Greece) in cooperation with the University of Thessaly (coordinating partner) organized a free training program for teachers involved in the education of refugee children, with funding from the European Commission (DG-ECHO). The program had a twofold educational objective: a) training of teachers, mainly secondary school teachers who teach in DYEPs or Reception Classes or have refugee children in their classes, as well as Education Coordinators and School Directors, b) development of educational material for secondary education in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, History, Chemistry, Biology and Social and Civic Education to meet the learning needs of children with refugee experience of three years of regular secondary school attendance in one year. Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou


The Education Modernization Project

Participation in “The Education Modernization Project” implemented by the Ministry of Science and Education of Kazakhstan under the technical and financial support of the World Bank: The Education Modernization Project. Diagnosis and benchmark on standards textbooks requirements, Develop methodologies and standards (requirements) for textbooks and improve the effectiveness of textbook, teaching materials and e-book in a digital interactive format, building capacity of experts for textbook content evaluation. Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides


Science in the public sphere in Greece

Participation in the research project “Science in the public sphere in Greece”. Organized by the Laboratory of Communication of Science, Technology and Medicine, Hellenic Open University.

Terms and conditions for carrying out the educational work in public primary, secondary and tertiary education

Assignment of a study after evaluation: Terms and conditions for carrying out the educational work in public primary, secondary and tertiary education. ESPA, ADEDY/ Koinoniko Polykentro (2019). Empirical research is an important coherent link in a fruitful and solid series of comparisons as it is implemented in the context of the recent crisis, which brought about significant problems not only in education but overall, in the institutions and functions of the welfare state resulting in deregulation and gradual retreat social conquests and rights. Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides

The public school in Greece. Aspects and trends of an emerging privatization

Study assignment after evaluation: The public school in Greece. Aspects and trends of an emerging privatization. GPTF, OLME, Education International (2019). https://www.ei-ie.org/en/item/23157:greece-report-warns-of-emerging-privatisation-in-public-education  & https://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/ 309543/files/3.5.26.pdf. The study captures teachers’ views regarding the factors behind the rise of privatisation in public education. Teachers agree that one of the factors responsible for the privatisation of education is the lack of staff in public education. According to their views, other important factors are the lack of infrastructure, the distrust of parents towards public education and the underfunding of public education. Moreover, an equally important factor in the rise of privatisation is the ‘privileged’ framework under which shadow education is allowed to operate in Greece. Under pressure of private interests, many governments appear to be tolerant or passive towards the creation of an environment which favours the invasion of the market in public education. Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides

Refugee crisis and modern educational practices. From systemic social vulnerability to structured inclusion

Study assignment after evaluation: Refugee crisis and modern educational practices. From systemic social vulnerability to structured inclusion. ESPA, ADEDY/ Koinoniko Polykentro (2019). The study is a sociological approach to key issues and challenges of refugee crisis. We attempted to present the role of refugee’s education in the integration process. Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides

SIA-ProD: An Innovative Self-Improvement Approach for the Professional Development of Early Educators

The Erasmus+ KA2 SIA-ProD programme “SIA-ProD: An Innovative Self-Improvement Approach for the Professional Development of Early Educators” aspires to develop an alternative approach for the professional development of early educators. The project aims to provide to practitioners the methodology and the instruments for self-evaluation and self-improvement with a ‘low cost’ and easy to apply way. To achieve this goal, the project will implement to the educational field an innovative technique named Discrete Choice Modeling (DCM). The project’s consortium includes 7 partners from 4 countries (Greece, Cyprus, Germany, Italy) (EU code: 2016-1-EL-KA201-023420). Participant from SECEd: Athanasios Gregoriadis

Teacher training in Peloponnese, Eastern Macedonia, Thessaly, Epirus, and Crete. (ΤΤ GLML-UNICEF)

UNICEF (Refugee and Migrant Response in Greece) in cooperation with the University of Thessaly (coordinating partner), the University of Ioannina, and the University of Crete organized a free training program for teachers involved in the education of refugee children, funded by the European Commission (DG-ECHO). The program was mainly addressed to primary and secondary school teachers who teach in DYEPs or Reception Classes or have refugee children in their classes, as well as to Education Coordinators and School Directors. Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou

Teaching Language through the eyes of refugees

Tsokalidou Petroula: Coordinator of the Programme ‘Teaching Language through the eyes of refugees’ (MIS5005052) (Research Committee, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).The programme focuses on the teaching of Greek to a group of refugees, using innovative approaches.


Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society [ISOTIS]

Tsokalidou Petroula was Co-coordinator of WP4 of the Programme «Inclusive curricula, pedagogies and educational practices and member of the research team of «Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society [ISOTIS]» (HORIZON2020 (Call Reference: H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016, Proposal no.: 727069) European Union).

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