
School of Early Childhood Education

Accelerated Learning Materials Development & Teacher’s Capacity Building (ALP & TCB GLML)

UNICEF (Refugee and Migrant Response in Greece) in cooperation with the University of Thessaly (coordinating partner) organized a free training program for teachers involved in the education of refugee children, with funding from the European Commission (DG-ECHO). The program had a twofold educational objective: a) training of teachers, mainly secondary school teachers who teach in DYEPs or Reception Classes or have refugee children in their classes, as well as Education Coordinators and School Directors, b) development of educational material for secondary education in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, History, Chemistry, Biology and Social and Civic Education to meet the learning needs of children with refugee experience of three years of regular secondary school attendance in one year.

Academic Coordinator: George Androulakis, Professor, Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly

Participant from SECEd: Maria Papadopoulou

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