
School of Early Childhood Education

Education and teachers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Narratives, experiences, practices, qualitative and quantitative dimensions

Study assignment after evaluation: Education and teachers in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Narratives, experiences, practices, qualitative and quantitative dimensions. ESPA, Koinoniko Polykentro / ADEDY. https://kpolykentro.gr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/F_EDUCATION-IN-COVID_2022.pdf  This study contributes to the investigation of practices and meanings of the teachers in every level of public education regarding their working conditions. This particular study finds the significant lag in infrastructure and resources, at all educational levels, quantitatively and qualitatively. The present empirical research was carried out in the context of the recent crisis, which caused significant problems not only in education but overall, in the institutions and functions of the welfare state, resulting in the deregulation and gradual retreat of social conquests and rights. The main goal of this study is to contribute directly to the submission of a substantial proposal to the national and social dialogue on education with the aim of upgrading public education.

Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides

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