
School of Early Childhood Education

FOCUS on my needs: Working together for children in criminal proceedings

Development of the training material and the courses’ presentations, as well as delivery of two (02) 4-day online trainings on individual and multidisciplinary needs assessments for children in contact with the law. The trainings addressed professionals working for the Greek Justice system (e.g., prosecutors, law enforcement, psychologists, etc.). The trainings took place in the context of the project “FOCUS on my needs: Working together for children in criminal proceedings”. In the context of the same project, Korina ran a group of adolescents in contact with the Law to empower and train them in order to provide their opinion (based on their experiences) on what should change in the Greek penal justice system to become more child friendly. Finally, she interviewed adolescents in contact with the criminal justice system, their families and their Juvenile Probation Officers to understand how the Greek criminal justice system could become more child friendly.

Participant from SECEd: Korina Hatzinikolaou

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