
School of Early Childhood Education

The public school in Greece. Aspects and trends of an emerging privatization

Study assignment after evaluation: The public school in Greece. Aspects and trends of an emerging privatization. GPTF, OLME, Education International (2019). https://www.ei-ie.org/en/item/23157:greece-report-warns-of-emerging-privatisation-in-public-education  & https://ikee.lib.auth.gr/record/ 309543/files/3.5.26.pdf. The study captures teachers’ views regarding the factors behind the rise of privatisation in public education. Teachers agree that one of the factors responsible for the privatisation of education is the lack of staff in public education. According to their views, other important factors are the lack of infrastructure, the distrust of parents towards public education and the underfunding of public education. Moreover, an equally important factor in the rise of privatisation is the ‘privileged’ framework under which shadow education is allowed to operate in Greece. Under pressure of private interests, many governments appear to be tolerant or passive towards the creation of an environment which favours the invasion of the market in public education.

Participant from SECEd: Argyris Kyrides

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