
School of Early Childhood Education

Towards a Multisensory and Inclusive Museum for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities

ERASMUS+ KA2 “Towards a Multisensory and Inclusive Museum for Individuals with Sensory Disabilities” [(ToMiMEUs), Project Agreement Number: 2019-1-RO01-KA202-063245]. ToMiMEUs project aims to enhance access and inclusion to museums for individuals with sensory disabilities [i.e. vision impairment (VI) and D/deaf or hard-of hearing individuals (DHH)] based on the principles of Universal Design, Universal Design for Learning, the values of the inclusive education and the fundamental rights of all people for access to cultural heritage. Project coordinator: Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography (Romania). Partners: Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary), Istanbul Medeniyet University (Turkey), University of Thessaly (Greece), Museum of Cycladic (Greece), Art Hungarian Heritage House (Hungary), TCDD 1st Regional Directorate, İstanbul Railway Museum (Turkey), The Balkan Museum Network,  Atomo Ro (Romania).

Participant from SECEd: Chara Kanari

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